This comic book series explores the dark world of the unexplained including extraterrestrial life, secret military bases, classified information, human experiments, and underground fight clubs. Be inspired by reluctant heroes that battle for glory, gold, and survival while attempting to dismantle a secret society within.
BOHO CROSS is a world champion fighter that has caught the attention of a secret military society which gambles and profits from a brutal underground blood sport. The secret society known as U.F.O. or Underground Fighting Organization was created by the United States government after an extraterrestrial alien was captured in 1947 following the Roswell crash. The military needed to find a way to secretly fund a broad range of national security activities including extraterrestrial warfare. As part of the military sponsored program, mutation experiments were conducted in attempt to create soldiers that could not only survive but thrive in any type of environment. As a way to finance these secret programs the government approved a top secret classified program which enables PROJECT U.F.O. to exist in the shadows of society.
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